Normative Instruction aims to prevent effects of pesticides on bees

Normative Instruction aims to prevent effects of pesticides on bees

The Joint Normative Instruction provides for the application of the pesticides Imidacloprido, Clotianidine, Tiametoxam and Fipronil.




Provides for the application of the active ingredients Imidacloprid, Clotianidine, Tiametoxam and Fipronil.

THE SECRETARY, SUBSTITUTE, OF AGRICULTURAL DEFENSE OF THE MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, LIVESTOCK AND SUPPLY – SDA/MAPA, in the use of its attributions conferred on it by art. 10, II, of Annex I of the Decree 7.127, from 04 March 2010, and the CHAIRMAN OF THE BRAZILIAN INSTITUTE OF THE ENVIRONMENT AND RENEWABLE NATURAL RESOURCES – IBAMA, in the use of the powers conferred on him by art. 22, II is V, of Annex I of Decree n. 6.099, from 26 April 2007,

Considering the powers conferred by Law no. 7.802, from 11 July 1989, to federal agencies for the environment and agriculture to promote control of pesticides, its components and the like;

Considering the need to adopt measures to prevent the effects of pesticides on bees and the need to make the conditions for full compliance with these measures possible in the shortest time;

Considering the need to guarantee alternatives to rural producers in pest control of their crops, according to Technical Notes 59/2012 DSV / SDA / MAPA e 113 / 2012DFIA / SDA / MAPA, solve:

Art. 1º Prohibit until the end of the corresponding environmental reassessment process implemented by IBAMA, Imidacloprid-based pesticide applications, Tiametoxam, Clothianidin and Fipronil during flowering of cultures regardless of the technology employed.

  • 1º For the cultivation of soybeans, flowering means the period from the beginning of flowering to full flowering (Reproductive stages R1 and R2 of the FEHR and CAVINESS scale) .
  • 2º. Except for this prohibition, cotton cultivation in the harvest 2012/2013.

Art. 2º Subject to the provisions of art. 1º, gets authorized, until the end of the corresponding environmental reassessment process implemented by IBAMA:

I – the terrestrial application of pesticides based on Imidacloprid, Tiametoxam, Clotianidina e Fipronil, according to the uses indicated in the product labels and package inserts.

II – aerial application of pesticides based on Imidacloprid, Thiamethoxam or Clotianidine, for cotton crops, soy, sugar cane, rice and wheat, whose records indicate this mode of application and use in these cultures, when other alternatives are not available or viable, according to the annotation to be included in the respective agronomic prescription.

  • 1º Rural producers and pesticide application companies must adopt the following precautions when using the products referred to in the caput:

I – use of techniques to reduce drift, such as adjusting the equipment so that it is not produced, in high percentage, very fine drops and do not apply in high winds;

II – in aerial applications must be observed:

  1. a) the minimum distances from the risk areas, as established in specific regulation;
  2. b) the drop size and the receding distance from the crop edge to be observed in agricultural aircraft applications:

Droplet size class

Boundary indent distance

Thick or very thick (bigger then 400 micrometros)

0 meters

Average to coarse (200 a 400 micrometros)

50-100 meters

Fine (smaller than 200 micrometros)

Minimum of 100 meters

  1. c) heights less than 4 meters in order to minimize drift;
  2. d) the issuance of georeferenced maps of aerial spraying involving the products mentioned, with referral to MAPA for further knowledge and inquiries;

III – Agricultural aviation companies are obliged to send MAPA monthly operational report of aerial applications made with these products, according to the model already adopted, as a condition for the regularity of applications;

IV – Recommendation, in the monthly report on agricultural aviation activity

the type of service performed, of culture and treated area, the name of the product used, toxicological class, formulation and applied dosage, agronomic prescription number, application volume, basic application parameters such as flight height, effective deposition band width, temperature limits, wind speed and relative humidity, model, type and angle of equipment used, sketch of the area to be treated, application date and time, direction of application ranges (shots) and weather data;

V – To promote the aerial applications authorized by this Act, rural producers must notify beekeepers located within 6 km of properties where the products will be applied, with at least 48 hours.

  • 2º MAPA must forward to IBAMA, electronically, copy of the maps and reports referred to in item d of item II and item III, both from § 1º, in until 30 days after receipt.

Art. 3º For cotton crops, soy and sugar cane, the application of the provisions of item II of art. 2º, is restricted to the control of the following pests:

I – Cotton: Bemisia tabaci biotype B. (White fly), Frankliniella schultzei (Gut), Aphis gossypii (cotton aphid) e Anthonomus grandis (cotton weevil);

II – Soy: Euschistus heros (stink bug), Nezara viridula (green bug) and Piezodorus guildinii (small green thumbtack);

III – Sugar cane: Mahanarva fimbriolata (root leafhopper).

Art. 4º The restrictions established for the application of products based on Imidacloprid, Tiamethoxan, Clothianidin and Fipronil may be reviewed during environmental re-evaluation processes in a phytosanitary emergency, duly characterized under the terms of the Joint Normative Instruction SDA / ANVISA / IBAMA nº 01, from 10 September 2008.

Art. 5º For the establishment of governmental measures that ensure the protection of pollinators and the phytosanitary protection of agricultural crops, MAPA will present to IBAMA, until June 2013, as a contribution to the already installed process for reevaluating Imidacloprid, Tiamethoxan, Clotianidina e Fipronil, a study on the control of pests that are covered by the indications for the use of these active ingredients, to be prepared by a nationally recognized research entity, watching, at least:

I – possible alternatives for chemical and biological control of the main pests and diseases of crops in which the above mentioned active ingredients are used and performance of comparative studies on the efficiency of existing pesticides and the like, from the phytosanitary point of view;

II – management alternatives and agricultural practices to mitigate risk to bees, watching, whenever possible, usage restrictions, change of dosage and combinations of active ingredients with those authorized for phytosanitary control;

III – identification of flowering seasons by crop, by cultivar and by region, with the identification of alternatives for the use of active ingredients in reevaluation, making the application compatible with the proper protection at the time of visitation by bees;

IV – guidelines aimed at beekeepers and melipolin farmers to prevent the occurrence of damage caused by pesticides to their activities;

V – guidance to professionals for the recommendation of products and practices that reduce risks when applying pesticides;

WE – guidance to farmers for the protection of pollinators;

VII – specific guidelines for companies providing aerial application services and agricultural pilots for greater efficiency and safety of applications;

VIII – Identification of specific protection measures for different pollinating agents of crops dependent on pollination services.

Single paragraph. Pesticides and the like that have indication for use in controlling the pests listed in article 3 of this Act, showing signs of reduced agronomic efficiency, will be reassessed by MAPA until June 2013.

Art. 6º Contrary provisions and in particular the Joint Act SDA / MAPA and IBAMA no. 1, from 2 October 2012.

Art. 7º This Act is effective as of its publication.


Agricultural Defense Secretary



President of IBAMA

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