Spraying can be the cause of bee mortality

no bee no food - Spraying can be the cause of bee mortality

Spraying can be the cause of bee mortality

Over the past five years, Celso Jacon states that there was a great slaughter of them in hives in Paulista, but the cause is still unknown

Rita of Cascia Cornelius

01/05/2016 07:00

for almost 30 years, environmentalist Celso Jacon created bees in two different points of the city of Paulista. Over the past five years, he watched a disastrous spectacle, the mortality of the bees. "I lost two apiaries in two years. Within a week all the bees died. I had 35 hives. In each of them was 80 thousand bees. "

To this day he has not confirmed the reason for the killing. "I tried numerous organs and did not confirm what caused the death of bees. I have no calculation of damages. All I did was in beekeeping with reused material and woods reaproveitei. not invest. Beekeeping is a science, a profession that, or you risk, or not. "

The mortality of bees is not new. In the years 2013 is 2014 many beekeepers lost their apiaries in Bauru, region and the world. At that time, American scientists have developed studies that show what causes the death of bees. In Rio Claro Unesp, a study has also been developed.

Jacon explains that bees are bewildered and do not return to the hives. "This is the main symptom. Swarms will weaken. With a small number of bees does not happen heating creates the larvae. Thus die the 'young' and begins to appear a type of black fly, Not identified. From then on the swarms end. I found a lot of dead bees. "

O explains environmentalist, When the bees bewilder, They do not return to the hives. "And do not give continuity to the process for hives. sunrise, those who watch, work. I think the foragers are bewildered and then get the withering away of the swarm. "

In the United States Collapse Disorder Colony (Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) about decimated 10 million hives, not worth US $ 2 billion, the last six years. Scientists have had trouble finding what triggered the trigger collapse. They found that certain chemicals called neonicotinoids has been linked to bee deaths. Regulators in Europe at that time prohibited the use of insecticides for two years, because the bee population also plummeted there.

The scientist Dennis vanEngelsdorp said at the time that it takes a new look at the agricultural spraying practices. The study found that US bees, who are descendants of European, do not bring home the pollen from native cultures, but collect weeds and wildflowers next. The pollen of these plants, However, It was also contaminated with pesticides, although not sputter target.

In the state of Sao Paulo, a partnership of the Universidade Estadual Paulista (unesp), the Federal University of São Paulo (UFSCar) and the Union of Pesticides industries, in season, bringing together researchers as the biologist Osmar Malaspina led a study on the impact of pesticides on bees.

For him, death of a large number of bees in reduced times, example 24 hours, It is indicative that may have been caused by agrochemicals. The line of research aims to behavioral studies related to bee-plant interaction and the biology and control of social insects, addressing the main aspects of the toxic effects of the nectar and pollen of plants. The study has not been completed.

He left almost nothing

One of Celso Jacon apiaries was at a site outside Paulista. "I was on Marimbondo site near a savanna remnant, at the end of Vila Ubirama. Died there all the apiary. The other began to show symptoms also. It was installed on site Bom Jardim. When I realized what was happening, I asked some friends who brought him to another location. What I left there, some accoutrements, structure and three clusters were taken last flooding. The two apiaries were lost Apis mellifera bees, also known as Europe Bee. Their nests are colonies, or hives. "

He claims that the approximately 30 apiaries left almost nothing. "I have many bees. What I have honey are old productions. I think if we neglect, back in that direction and know what is causing it soon we will not have many foods that depend on pollination by bees. Example: the Orange, melon, the pumpkin. native cerrado fruits, gabiroba, cherry, quince, guava. She fertilizes the flower so you can come up the fruit. "

He thinks that there is some defensive do bees to lose the orientation. "All beekeepers know that the bee is an extraordinary being in the ability to locate. I think they are the chemicals used on crops in our region. Not only that. With the increase in these monoculture crops were few areas with native vegetation. "

Lung Sheets

In the city of Paulista has a remnant of cerrado starting near Ubirama village and goes to the Silver Lake. A runner who lives in the sights of real estate speculation. "I think that one day there will be a more evolved society and that without harmony progress is considered return."

This area is considered the lung of my city, in the opinion of environmentalist. "If I could turn into a municipal forest. An area for diversity study, recharge area of ​​the aquifer. It gives the thermal equilibrium. Are things that man is failing to realize. "”

Source: http://www.jcnet.com.br/Regional/2016/05/pulverizacao-pode-ter-matado-abelhas.html

Within a week all the bees had died. I had guided by teachers Solange Batista and Emonalisa Lucena.

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