Bee Or Not To Be in partnership with Recoffee

Bee Or Not To Be in partnership with Recoffee

A Bee Or Not To Be está com uma linda parceria com a Recoffee Design, uma marca que produz acessórios e objetos de decoração com resíduos de borras de café.

Todos os colares em formato de favo de mel que forem vendidos terão 15% da renda revertida para a Bee. Uma nobre iniciativa de uma marca que trabalha de forma 100% ecológica. Essa empresa é amiga da natureza e possui a ambição de reduzir o resíduo orgânico do café. 💛

A Recoffee Design nasceu a partir da reflexão sobre a produção de resíduos sólidos produzidos no preparo do café comercial (borra de café). Com um design atemporal e produção artesanal, a marca se apropria do conceito upcycling para refletir sobre os ciclos produtivos, desperdício e impacto ambiental, taking advantage of something with no commercial value, that would be discarded, and turning it into something different, with new use and purpose, combined with modern design, without going through the chemical and physical processes of recycling.

Coffee is one of the most consumed products in the world and brings in its ritual the idea of ​​a break, in moments of rest and reflection in our routine.

The brand appropriates this concept to reflect on the productive cycles, desperdício e impacto ambiental, taking advantage of something with no commercial value, that would be discarded, and turning it into something different, with new use and purpose, combined with modern design, without going through the chemical and physical processes of recycling.

Like this, they propose a new way of reusing this organic waste through a laboratory process with coffee grounds and natural binders, developing a rigid material, low density and biodegradable.

They respect the natural timing of things and believe in the unique beauty of each element that makes up nature, that is why, bring this concept so that each of its products has unique and exclusive characteristics.

Meet the brand Recoffee that brings together environmental awareness and design in its products.

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