The Coco State Park Meliponário is inaugurated

The Coco State Park Meliponário is inaugurated

The Department of the Environment (Schema) and the Social Service for Industry and Commerce (SESC), opened on Saturday (20), in Coco State Park, in Fortaleza, the Meliponário Park School. The space, intended for native stingless bees, will be available for visitation and environmental education actions, in the Conservation Unit (UC) state, full protection, in Fortaleza. The ceremony was attended by the state secretary, Artur Bruno, of the environment, and SESC directors, Henrique Jorge Javi de Sousa and Débora Sombra Costa Lima.

Bruno, quoting the stoic philosopher, seneca, he recalled that "no wind blows in favor of the sailor who doesn't know where to go", in order to highlight that SESC and the Government of Ceará, through Sema they know where they want to go. "Preserving fauna and flora, and meliponiculture are fundamental, that's why Sesc is giving us away, through our partnership, this meliponary", said.

the great fight of 40 years of creation of Coco was remembered by the secretary. to Bruno, some important things were done, in these seven years of management, but as an educator it is, is convinced that the main job, in your management, was and is, environmental education. "The most important thing is to change behavior, culture and thought, to understand that we do not own nature, we are nature", ended.

For Henrique Javi, SESC has something very special, which is to include the concept of education in all its actions.. "That's what makes the smallest to the oldest of us , we can keep projects like this”, said. He made a point of highlighting the work of Sema, in the management of Artur Bruno, than, according to the manager, "transformed the environmental reality of Ceará". The coordinator Ulisses Rolim, of Education and Social Articulation, of SEMA and the Cocó State Park Manager, Paulo Lira, also participated in the event.

Bees and sustainability

The beekeeper and environmental educator, Joaquim Saldanha, creator of the Meliponário Escola Project, taught a class on meliponiculture. According to him, without knowledge and without knowing the importance of trees for fauna species, people cut down trees. "With this project, everyone will have the opportunity to get to know the bees up close and their importance for the balance of natural ecosystems and even for the economy", said.

Saldanha said that Brazilian bees do not have a stinger and Jandaíra is a species that was disappearing. "They live inside hollow trees like Imburama, the Catingueira” and when the environment is devastated, we lost them. “I remember that in the past, my grandfather harvested Jandaira honey naturally. Today, this is no longer possible, that is why, we are first rescuing the meliponiculture culture of the stingless bee, to show people that they exist", told.

He brought relevant information about the environmental service provided by bees. "The natives produce less honey, but the ecosystem service provided by these pollinators to Brazilian agriculture, contributed an estimated economic value of R$ 43 billion. "When the bee is introduced into the melon crop, for example, increases by 30% fruit production, no need to increase land use. That is why, the Sustainable Development Goals (ODS) placed bees as a very important species in the issue of sustainability. with more bees, we will have more to eat, with less cost to nature. We will definitely have a much better world for everyone", He explained.


The representative of the Beekeepers Association and the Brigada da Natureza Project, Mauro Memory, encouraged those present to have mellitus bees in their homes, so, stingless, to pollinate the gardens and flowers in our surroundings. "Bees are links between man and nature. They are here long before us and know how to make use of the natural environment", said. According to him, meliponas are stingless and therefore share the curious characteristic of being harmless, unlike foreign species, best known, whose bites cause discomfort and even allergies in people.

The event opened with a musical presentation by Grupo Flor da Natureza, of Sesc Iparana. In addition to countless visitors to Coco State Park, also participated in the opening act, members of the Young Environmental Agent Program (JUST), of the region of Fortaleza. They were invited by the beekeeper and environmental educator, Joaquim Saldanha, stop in the near future, participate in a training course at Meliponário Parque Escola. The project also exists in the Ceará Botanical State Park.

The Meliponário Parque Escola is the result of a partnership between SEMA and SESC, through the Technical Cooperation Term (TCT), signed between both. The TCT aims to, the "consolidation and development of efforts between the parties, in order to establish a system of cooperation, through the promotion of integrated actions, in order to operationalize an educational seedling nursery and implement a meliponary, as well as carry out activities to stimulate the production of seedlings and the conservation of bee species native to Ceará ecosystems".

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