Honey produced in Viana supplies public schools of the Great Victory

Honey produced in Viana supplies public schools of the Great Victory

01/05/2016 10h00

Viana has 16 honey producers associated.
Producers come to reap half a ton of honey annually.

André Falcon – Yes TV Gazeta
Produção de mel chega a 500 kilos por ano (Foto: Reprodução/TV Gazeta)honey production reaches 500 kilos per year (Photo: Playback / TV Gazeta)

An association of beekeepers Viana, gathering 16 producers, is using part of the honey produced to supply the public schools of the Great Victory.

Guilherme Cardoso beekeeper keeps 25 hives of African bees in the apiary in Jucu, Viana. At the end of the process, production can reach up to half a ton of honey per year.

“Within the summer flowering period, with 20 or 25 days you harvested honey, it already gives again”, He explained.

To take care of African abelhadas, besides the safety equipment, the fumigator is an ally. With smoke, bees are controlled. “Without to move a box of those bee, we have to run a lot”, He told the beekeeper John Policarpo.

Cardoso also produces honey Jatahy, a different species that have no sting. This produces a smaller amount bee honey, but it has a higher commercial value. The production is still in the initial state.

“We still do not know the exact cash standard for this bee. We are developing a job and are in need of technical creation where this is our invention”, He told the beekeeper.

The president of the association of Viana beekeepers, John Policarpo, He said there is a project to build a house to benefit the association.

Crianças de escoals públicas de Viana consomem o mel da região (Foto: Reprodução/TV Gazeta)
public schools of children of Viana
(Photo: Playback / TV Gazeta)


The Viana beekeepers produce an average of 50 tons of honey per year. And part of this production is distributed in sachets for public school students Viana teaching.

Honey is the dessert during the break of about 30 local schools. The school nutritionist, Maria Luiza Rodrigues, He said the dessert is full of nutrients.

“Since honey is a source of energy and vitamins and minerals, we are including it on the menu. Children eat dessert or pure fruit”, finished.

Source: http://g1.globo.com/espirito-santo/agronegocios/noticia/2016/05/mel-produzido-em-viana-abastece-escolas-publicas-da-grande-vitoria.html

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