Bee or not to be launching the Environmental Education Project "Without Bee, No Food "

Bee or not to be launching the Environmental Education Project "Without Bee, No Food "

On the last day 05 May, in partnership with the Departments of Education and Environment of Ribeirão Preto City Hall, and support of Unimed-RP, the NGO Bee or not to be released Environmental Education Project "Without Bee, No Food ", in the House of Science, within the Municipal Bosque.

The project will bring environmental education teaching about 1.900 children, nearly a hundred courses of the 3rd year of the Municipal Network of Ribeirão Preto. More than 80 teachers and engineers over 20 schools might receive the instructions on the Activity Booklet "No Bee, No Food ", and also about how to work the theme of the environment from the perspective of our bees: biodiversity, food chain, observation of the living beings of nature, pollination, food production, sustainability of ecosystems… rich content that will reach thousands of children and their families, through new and fundamental knowledge replicator, they are teachers.

The commitment you want with the proposition of this project is to bring children closer to nature, revealing to them the beauty of the interaction between bees and flowers to produce fruit and seeds and, like this, usher in not only assessing the scientific knowledge, but one deep respect for the environment.

The project will also rely on guided visits of children and teachers to the Municipal Bosque, ao forests (Laboratory studies and Social Services) Biology FFCLRP / USP, activities room and a large public exhibition of the works produced by the students.

After the event, each school - who voluntarily joined the project - could bring the books to their students, for use in the second academic quarter.

They attended the event Dr. Gustavo Ribeiro de Oliveira, CEO of Unimed-RP, a prof. Dr. Lionel Segui Gonçalves, presidente da ONG Bee or not to Be, the creators of the project Prof.. Pull. Rosane Malusa G. Peruchi e Profa. Pull. Maria Juliana Ferreira Caliman, Prof. Vinício Biagi Pecci, director Fabio Barreto Bosque, e Dalila Lopes Cisneiros Marsol, the Department of the Environment.

The event also marks the beginning of the celebrations of the World Day for NGO Bee Bee or not to be, in 20 May, date to be celebrated for the first time in the world this year 2018, after UN auspices. The awareness of the importance of the major pollinators of the planet and the need for their protection are the reasons for these celebrations.

The Environmental Education Project “No Bee, Without food” has as its creators Prof.. Dr. Lionel S. Gonçalves, President of NGO “Bee Or not to Be”, with coordinators:

prof. Pull. Rosane PERUCHO, prof. Pull. Maria Juliana Caliman, Dalila Marsola, Division of Planning and Environmental Education of the Municipal Environment and Prof.. Vinício Pecci, do PEA – Environmental Education Program of Education Secretariat.

Check out the pictures:RAF_3700



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