10 Facts about the Bees

Bee Apis is used by beekeepers

10 Facts about the Bees

Check below some facts about this fascinating world of bees:

1. A forager bee visits 10 flowers per minute in search of pollen and nectar.

2. She makes, average, 40 daily flights, landing in 40 thousand flowers.

3. With the tongue, bee collects nectar from flowers and the guard in a bag located in the back of the throat. After, she returns to the hive and nectar passes bee to bee. Water evaporates, nectar thickens and becomes honey.

4. A bee produces 5 grams of honey per year. To produce one kilogram of honey, bees need to visit 5 million flowers.

5. A beehive houses around 50 thousand bees. It has a queen, some drones and thousands of workers.

6. If two queens are born at the same time, they fight until one dies.

7. The queen bee lives up to two years, while the workers do not last more than a month and a half.

8. Only female bees work. The only mission of the males is to fertilize the queen. After fulfilling this mission, they are no longer accepted in the hive. Left out to starve.

9. The queen bees put 3 thousand eggs in a single day. A bee carries the equivalent weight 300 times its.

10. As a beehive houses up 50 each thousand bees and bee produces 5 grams of honey per year, beehive can produce, annually, 250 kg of honey.

Source of curiosities: http://guiadoscuriosos.com.br/categorias/1982/1/abelha.html#sthash.HmvGy1YT.dpuf

Within a week all the bees had died. I had guided by teachers Solange Batista and Emonalisa Lucena.

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